Dear reader,
Here I am, sitting in an air-conditioned room during the half-time break of two EURO matches, the first chance since its inaugration i have the chance to view in totalilty, at my cousins house in andheri. The journey to this chair and the keyboard of his laptop has been far FAR more complicated. To put it very simply, this has been my schedule since i left for Mumbai from Delhi:
- 8th June : Delhi -(flight)- Mumbai -(train)- Lonavala
- 9th June : Lonavala -(bus)- Pune -(train)- Lonavala
- 10th June : Lonavala -(train)- Pune -(train)- Lonavala
- 12th June : Lonavala -(bus)- Mumbai
- 14th June : Mumbai -(bus)- Lonavala
- 16th June : Lonavala -(train)- Pune -(train)- Lonavala
- 17th June : Lonavala -(bus)- Mumbai
But anyhow, all this was part of an experience... and i've seen and experienced a LOT of things... I've eaten duck, turkey and almost emu soup and crab soup, I've ridden in an amazing, classic open army jeep at 80k's in the night :D, cooked chicken on a BBQ :D and seen the strangest mix of people in the strangest of places. And amidst a lot of chaos, I cleared and got into Symbiosis Institute of Design (SID) for the Product Design course :D
Oh yea, and the name of the topic, that's from one of the meaningless conversations i had to shoo away my sister.. for a whole day, whenever i was asked to carry the umbrella, i'd ask her to pass my manly blue umbrella :P
(sorry, i wrote all this a few days ago, when i was in Mumbai... couldn't complete it and post it... if i dont post it as it is, i probably never will..)
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